At Chatham we offer a lending library service for both adults and children. Children are encouraged to choose a book to take home to share with an adult. Once they have enjoyed the book they can return it and choose a different one . Parents are encouraged to change the book with their child as often as they like. The child’s key person will also help their Key child choose and exchange a book once a week if their parent is unable to do so.
The most important thing we can we can do for young children to support their later success in reading and reading aloud to them. It’s never too early to start.
We all want our children to enjoy reading.
Enjoying stories from an early age fosters a love of books and supports children to become lifelong readers.
Lots of research has shown that people who read for pleasure are more successful in life
Children will often want the same story over and over again. This is how they get to know the story really well and begin to tell it themselves.
Young children will enjoy books and print of all different kinds, comics, picture books, family photograph albums, lift and flap books and factual books about their favourite things or people.
Please utilise our lending library!!!