
At Chatham Nursery we intend that our curriculum educates all children to become confident, curious, resourceful, determined, independent thinkers who are able to form meaningful relationships and make a positive contribution to the nursery community and beyond. We recognize that children’s wellbeing is crucial to a child’s ability to access new learning. The curriculum embraces and celebrates diversity and supports the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

What is curriculum?

Young children learn from everything around them – the people, the environment, the atmosphere, the routine, the experiences and opportunities. These elements are what fundamentally make up the nursery curriculum.


Parents & carers are children’s first and most enduring educators. When children and parents work together in early year’s settings, the results have a positive impact on children’s development and learning.

Where assessment indicates that support from specialist services is required the school strives to ensure that the pupil receives this as quickly as possible. The Local Offer sets out clearly what support is available. Support Services used in Chatham Nursery School include:

For more information about specialist support take a look at our SEND page.

The key person supports physical needs too, helping with issues like nappy changing, toileting and dressing. That person is a familiar figure who is accessible and available as a point of contact for parents and one who builds relationships with the child and parents or carers.



Our daily routine provides a flexible framework within which your child will feel safe and secure. Through the daily routine there are many opportunities to solve problems and become creative learners

Child initiated play is play that is decided upon by your child’s own motivation and provides many opportunities to extend their learning. Adults are available to support your child in their choices. This can include making observations of their play, playing alongside them, introducing new words, adding new ideas, posing problems, responding to conflicts in a positive way and helping your child remain focused on their play.

Circle time occurs at key points in the day. The teachers role is to carefully plan and deliver a curriculum which meets each individuals needs. Each day, we invite our children into a rich learning environment where they enjoy a combination of adult and child lead activities. These activities are largely planned around the children’s interests and are differentiated to ensure that the focus of all our learners are captured. We aim to guide them, support them, challenge them, and develop their learning in a fun and playful way.

Language Enrichment Groups are a consistent part of our daily routine. They are small groups that are aimed at developing essential listening skills and vocabulary through the use of stories rhymes, songs and games. These are skills that are important for a child’s learning journey to school and beyond.  The groups are planned for to enrich the children’s language, centred around their interests, current ‘theme’ or everyday essential vocabulary.  Having dedicated sessions provides opportunities to explore and learn new vocabulary, promote discussions through questions, and review language that the children already know.

Lunch time offers a valuable opportunity to support children’s development in a range of areas of learning particularly, Personal Social and Emotional, Communication and Language and health and hygiene. The environment is quieter and therefore more conducive to hearing the spoken word whilst promoting independence confidence and self-help skills.It is also a golden opportunity to  nurture friendships with their peers and familiar adults.

Adult led activities are activities which adults will plan for the children. They are playful activities which will engage the children. Adults will work with your child within a small group of children focusing on activities which are based on their observations of your child’s needs and interests during child-initiated play. Adults are responsible for supporting all areas of learning and development and some small groups will be based on the settings planning. Materials and resources used in these sessions are then fed into the continuous provision for the children to repeat and consolidate their learning. As well as working with small groups of children, adult led activities include other parts of the daily routine such as greeting time; singing and story sessions they think children might benefit from.


The outdoor environment is comprehensibly planned to provide learning opportunities for children across all areas of learning.Research has proven that being outdoors and  in natural spaces improves well-being, builds self-worth and reduces stress.

The indoor environment is comprehensibly planned to provide learning opportunities for children across all areas of learning.

The areas of provision are located in the same place every day and all are clearly labelled to enable your child to make informed choices, develop confidence, independence, and encourage them to take care of their nursery and to build on their previous learning.

An emotional environment is one that promotes emotional wellbeing and provides stability for the children according to their individual needs. A good emotional environment will provide the children with: adults who will provide them with emotional support, understanding their feelings and showing empathy.


Enhancements are additional experiences and resources that supplement continuous provision and may include interactive displays, outings and visitors to the nursery. Enhancement of provision can also be the result of the adult’s observations of your child needs and interests during child-initiated play. Resources can be added to the provision while the children are involved in play or planned for later on. Resources used to support small group time activities can also be added to enhance provision. Conversations with parents and families about your child at their home can also lead to enlivening the provision and make it meaningful for the child.

A well-planned interactive display will engage children, stimulate their curiosity and spark their enthusiasm to learn more. A well-planned differentiated interactive display will provide learning experiences for children across both prime and specific areas. Resources will provide challenge and  reflect children’s current interest or class mini theme.

To facilitate a broad varied and learning experience Chatham welcomes a variety of visitors from live musicians, theatre companies, story tellers, professionals from all walks of life, farm animals, exotic animals, birds of prey and much more!

The children at Chatham Nursery School benefit from weekly PE sessions held at St Hugh’s school and are led by Early Years Sports specialist Martin Lancaster. To find out more about our PE provision click here.

Each term Chatham Nursery School runs a reading project. The project is a family fun project which involves parents and children participating in fun sessions such as art and craft activities, trips out and bringing stories alive. The sessions runs  on a termly basis for 4 consecutive weeks  from – There is no cost involved and your children will benefit from free resources.

There are a limited number of places available and they are on invitation only basis.

Chatham Nursery School has an ongoing commitment to the natural world . We have own small purpose-built allotment where children will develop a sense of awe and wonder about the natural world.We know that being connected with nature has a positive impact on children’s well being. Children learn the names of plants fruits and vegetables and develop an awareness of healthy foods. They look after and harvest any fruit or vegetables which are eaten and enjoyed by all nursery children.

Chatham has its own minibus. This offers the children unique opportunities to travel in small groups to local places of interest. Each visit is fully risk assessed and all minibus drivers have the MIDAS qualification. Further information can be found about this by clicking here.


Please click on the link below to read Chatham Nursery Schools Curriculum Map which is currently be under review