Nursery Fees Costing Structure
Chatham Nursery School is now a term time only provision.
The nursery will operate between the hours of 8:00am – 4:00pm only.
Unfortunately we will no longer be able to admit new children before their
second birthday.
2-3’s Childcare – Fee Paying
Full day 8:00am – 4:00pm £45 per session
Morning Session 8:00am – 12.30pm £25 per session
Afternoon Session 12:30pm – 4:00pm £20 per session
Wraparound for children accessing 30hr funding/15hr funding:
There is a limited amount of spaces for wraparound childcare.
Please contact us for more details.
Cost will depend on the hours/days you need.
Day Care Fees:
A two week deposit is required in advance, for all childcare provision. Fees can be made via online banking or in cash. We do not accept credit or debit cards. All fees due are required in advance (either on a weekly or monthly basis).
Period of notice/termination
Two weeks written notice, by either party, is required to terminate a child’s
The child’s deposit will be returned when parents give notice when terminating the nursery place/contract.
If a child is absent from nursery for any reason e.g. due to sickness or family
holiday childcare fees will still apply. The Nursery is only open during term
time. you will not be charged when we are closed for the holidays.
Educational Visits
During the school year children in the Nursery will have the opportunity
to access educational visits. For some trips a voluntary contribution is
requested from Parents/Carers to support the coach hire and entrance
No child will be treated differently according to whether or not their
parents have made any contribution in response to the request
The information regarding the voluntary contributions is given on induction
to the nursery in the “All About Me” booklet and other reminders will be
sent throughout the year. If the activity cannot be funded without voluntary
contribution, the Governing Body or Head teacher will make this clear to
parents at the outset. We aim to help parents understand that we cannot
subsidise the cost of school outings and special events, such as visits to the
zoo or theatre groups. If we do not receive enough voluntary contributions
towards the cost we will have to terminate the outing or event.
The School Minibus will transport children to venues such as Museum local
landmarks, local parks, Garden Centres and other places of interest. These
trips are generally provided free of charge.
Voluntary Snack Contribution
Parents/Carers are asked to make a weekly contribution of £1 to support the following: Cost of snacks, Ingredients for baking and play dough activities.
Payments can be made weekly monthly half termly or termly
This policy was updated 5th July 2023 and will be reviewed July 2024.
Policy subject to be updated to align with any changes to nursery fees.